Programme Nationaal Congres Engels 2024
Friday 22 March 2024, de Reehorst, Ede
Task engagement in the English language classroom
Linda Gijsen
English Language Teaching (ELT) should arguably primarily involve preparing learners for using the language as a lingua franca in real world communication. Consequently, educating learners to become communicatively competent users of English in international and intercultural communication has implications for the way in which English language learning activities should be organised and how we want learners to engage with tasks in an all-inclusive language learning context. Although in theory an intercultural communicative orientation should be anchored in many ELT curricula, in practice, many classroom-based interactions still primarily evolve around native-speaker language expressions and do not expand on learners’ existing socio-cultural and mulitilingual repertoire. In this presentation, I will examine how technology in the form of virtual pedagogical lingua franca exchange can be used to manage linguistic diversity and foster engagement in the ELT classroom.

08.30-09.30 | Arrival at the conference centre / coffee / exhibition - New York |
09.30-09.35 | Introduction |
09.35-10.35 | Plenary session: Linda Gijsen - Schouwburg |
10.35-11.00 | Herman Wekker prize for Best Reporter - Schouwburg |
11.00-11.30 | Coffee break / exhibition - New York |
11.30-12.30 | Workshop session 1 (1-14) |
12.30-13.30 | Lunch / exhibition - New York |
13.30-14.30 | Subplenaries: A B C D |
14.30-15.00 | Tea break / exhibition - New york |
15.00-16.00 | Workshop session 2 (15-28) |
16.00-17.00 | Exhibition / Meet & Greet with our speakers / Drinks & Nibbles (free!) - New York |
Subplenaries | 13.30 - 14.30
Daniela Fasoglio (SLO)
A. New examination programmes for English coming soon: ambitions and challenges
The time has finally come: English gets new, more up-to-date examination programmes for pre-vocational, general, and pre-university education. The examination programmes are more concrete and specifically focused on English. The underlying ambition is high: to help students develop into language-proficient, culture-aware and language-aware citizens in today's society. Who are today's students? To what extent can the new examination programmes facilitate and support education for a diverse population? What will be the task of the school and the teacher? What will be entrusted to the curricular freedom and responsibility of the teacher? And what does the teacher then need? This presentation shows some of the contents of the draft English examination programmes and addresses these questions. With a fundamental consideration: what problems can the national curriculum solve (not, or not now)? Daniela Fasoglio is a modern language specialist at the national expertise centre for curriculum development SLO. As a curriculum expert, she is a member of the Commission in charge of developing the new modern language examinations programmes for Dutch education. She is concerned with issues such as the use of the CEFR, the integration of culture in language curricula, literature education and plurilingualism.
Amos Paran (University College London)
B. Democracy and choice in EFL reading and literature classrooms
Education for democracy in the EFL classroom exemplifies a values orientation which is aligned with the work of Graham Crookes in EFL and Martha Nussbaum in humanities education, and is in opposition to instrumental views of EFL, where language is monetized and becomes a tool for financial gain. In a post-truth world where democracies are steadily weakening, this presents teachers with greater challenges and responsibilities than ever before. Many language curricula include values and citizenship. However, such imperatives must be accompanied by principled pedagogies consistently implemented. In this talk, I illustrate how such pedagogies can be realised, focusing on teaching reading and using literary texts in EFL. I highlight four important pedagogical principles: the principle of choice; the principled teaching of critical thinking; a participatory approach to teaching literature and reading; and a focus on understanding the Other. These pedagogies model democratic behaviours for the pupils in a non-directive sense Amos Paran is Professor of TESOL at the IoE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society. His professional roots are his work as a secondary school EFL teacher in Israel, as a materials writer, and as a teacher educator in three continents. His latest books are Becoming a Reading Teacher and Taking Literature and Language Teaching Online.
Joelle Taylor
C. C+NTO & Othered Poems
Reading from her TS Eliot Prize winning collection, Joelle Taylor enters the private lives of women from the butch counterculture, telling the inside story of the protest they led in the late 1980s and 1990s to reclaim their bodies as their own, the difficult dance between survival and self-expression. History, Magic, rebellion, party, and sermon vibrate through the cantos to uncover these underground communities forged by women. A love poem, a late night, and an honouring. Joelle Taylor is the author of 4 collections of poetry. Her most recent collection C+NTO & Othered Poems won the 2021 T.S Eliot Prize, and the 2022 Polari Book Prize. Her novel The Night Alphabet has just been published and received a favourable review in The Guardian.. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, and the 2022 Saboteur Spoken Word Artist of the Year.
Kirsten Waechter (Tailored Trainings)
D. Making materials (that) matter – representing diversity in the ELT classroom
Teaching in a diverse classroom means creating an atmosphere of belonging and inclusion where students feel comfortable. For that, we need to create an environment in which diversity is represented in materials. Such visibility will help students to see diversity as something normal and share their own stories of diversity. As English is such a diversely used global language, the ELT classroom is the perfect vehicle for it. However, looking at materials for the ELT classroom, we can see that many of our learners lack representation. Moreover, ethnicity, sexuality, religion etc. are seen as taboo topics. To represent diversity, we need images where visible diversity is involved, and stories where invisible diversity is involved that cannot be represented in pictures. This sub-plenary, explores what materials already exist, and how teachers can easily create and adapt materials. In addition, we explore how storytelling can help our learners find their voice in English: without their input, no inclusive classroom will be possible. Kirsten Waechter focuses on teaching business communication, English for special and academic purposes and intercultural courses. She designs her own materials (print and online) and provides teacher training, too. She is also a translator and writer and has authored guidebooks on business skills.
1 Diverse models and diverse learners: pronunciation teaching and testing
Janine Berns & Sanne van Vuuren (Radboud University)
This workshop sketches the evolution of normativity in modern foreign language (MFL) pronunciation teaching. Together with the audience, we will explore topics such as intelligibility vs. normativity, the position of English vs. other MFLs, learners’ varying language learning needs, and possibilities for reduction of speaking anxiety and encouraging linguistic inclusion.
2 Poetry in/for an inclusive EFL classroom
Ruud van den Beuken & Chris Cusack (Radboud University)
This workshop focuses on the use of poetry for fostering equality, diversity, and inclusion in the English classroom. Considering poets such as Joelle Taylor (see subplenary), Andrew McMillan, Caroline Bird, and Anthony Joseph, we will explore how poems can be mobilised for facilitating conversations about themes such as gender, sexuality, and race.
3 Taalprofielen Revisited!
Daniela Fasoglio, Stéfanie Leunissen & Loes Groen (SLO)
In 2020 heeft De Raad van Europa het ERK geactualiseerd. Tijd dus voor een nieuwe editie van Taalprofielen! Een introductie van de inhoud en het praktijkgerichte (digitale) gebruik. Taalprofielen zal een belangrijke rol spelen in het beproeven van de nieuwe examenprogramma’s, waarin ook de beheersingsniveaus zullen worden beschreven.
4 A classroom observation tool for modern foreign language teaching
Irene de Kleyn & Marleen IJzerman (Hogeschool Utrecht)
The Research group Multilingualism & Education has developed a classroom observation tool for Modern Foreign Language (MFL) teaching, incorporating the principles of communicative language teaching. In our workshop, we will explain the purpose of the tool and provide you with an opportunity to experience how you can implement the tool in the MFL teaching practice.
5 Practical tips to develop writing skills
Aranka Leonard (Stedelijk Gymnasium Schiedam) - commercial
Writing is one of the least practiced skills in education and it’s impossible to provide students with individual feedback. I'll share how to increase student participation by using Test-Correct for writing assignments in my classes. Leading them to actively participate in the feedback process, and to improve their understanding of the writing products. It'll help our students to write skillfully.
6 Debating in the foreign language class
Abid el Majidi (Montfort Rotterdam)
Debate holds promise as an effective teaching method that can create a genuine environment for a meaningful and functional use of the target language. In this workshop, I will discuss how to implement debate in class and present some findings about the impact of debate pedagogy on the speaking skills.
7 The language classroom like an all-inclusive holiday trip?
Elona Manders (HAN Nijmegen)
Find out what it is like to do a communicative speech activity that can be used to test your learners’ interactional speaking proficiency. Do you prepare them for this? How do you provide similar opportunities in class? We are sharing pre-communication tools helping all learners to become more proficient speakers.
8 Podcasting: 21st century skills to address 21st century problems
David Marler-Congiu (Hogeschool Rotterdam)
ChatGPT has had a major effect on our education. We at Rotterdam UAS have employed podcasting as an excellent way to work around this and make conversational skills a central form of testing. In this workshop, you will learn about podcasting in the classroom and be able to use podcasting equipment.
9 Benefiting all students, no matter what their ‘individual needs’
Adrian McCormick (Helbling English) - commercial
No two students are exactly the same and unfortunately, many students are labelled ‘bad at learning a language’ when in reality they may just have a different approach to learning. In this workshop, we will delve into ‘activities’ taken from ‘Options’, Helbling’s exciting 4 level secondary course (A1-B1+). Differentiated learning is at the core of Options, to meet all students’ different needs.
10 The power of theatre: 10 exercises that bring students together
Abbie Moore (Hello Drama)
In this practical workshop, you will discover my top theatre activities for uniting young people. I will also share tips for working with shy students. You will explore the exercises first-hand. After all, why should the students have all the fun? No previous theatre experience is required, everyone is welcome!
11 Diversity in the classroom
Esra Pais-Güzel (Openbaar Primair Onderwijs Hof van Twente)
Classrooms have become bigger and more diverse than ever, but how diverse are our thoughts and materials? We will have a closer look into each other’s thought processes, materials and how to create an inclusive classroom for every student.
12 Inclusive assessments in English language classrooms: Why does it matter?
Arum Perwitasari (ETS Global)
This session will explore inclusive assessments for English language learners. This session will help you understand the importance and methods of inclusive assessment in the English language classroom. And let’s learn to design more inclusive assessments for better student success!
13 Fitting in, belonging and standing out
Frederike Westera (Universiteit van Amsterdam)
In this hands-on session I hope to entice you to make more use of poetry in class engendering empathy and a sense of shared humanity by conducting a reading and writing skills lesson using poems and spoken word from a diverse set of authors, showcasing Gorman, Soyinka, Duffy and Lyon.
14 Discover Game Changer: speak, learn and do!
Intertaal & Cambridge - commercial
A new English language learning method for secondary schools. This engaging method, developed by Cambridge and Intertaal, is focusing on speaking, learning and practical application within a contextual and task-oriented setting. Supported, of course, with appropriate testing and assessment materials.
15 Addressing differences in English lessons
Nalan Atabek (Openbaar Primair Onderwijs Hof van Twente)
Varying in sizes and unique educational approaches, in the 9 schools of Stichting OPO Hof van Twente, English language education is adapted to the needs of individual learners who come from diverse backgrounds, levels, and interests. I'd like to share what materials and strategies we use to create an environment that is flexible but structured in a way to meet the needs of this diversity.
16 Engels in sneltreinvaart: effectieve didactiek op het VAVO
Judith van Dijk (Deltion College - VAVO)
In het VAVO (Voortgezet Algemeen Volwassenenonderwijs) volgen leerlingen met zeer diverse onderwijs- en taalachtergronden het examenjaar van vmbo-tl, havo of vwo. De tijd is beperkt, de taalniveaus Engels ver uiteenlopend. Hoe pak je dat aan? De VAVO’s zetten in op evidence-based didactiek en effectieve studievaardigheden. Een kijkje in de keuken.
17 Come and play: creating an inclusive English-speaking game club
Max Dubbeldam & Wessel Fledderus (Cals College Nieuwegein)
In this workshop, you’ll be taken along on a fantastic journey to shape an inclusive English-speaking environment in the form of a board game and roleplaying club. Whether you are interested in starting an inclusive game group or curious creating similar autonomy and inclusivity in the classroom, come and play.
18 Test your knowledge of the English language and culture
Anton Floor (Learnbeat) - commercial
Challenge yourself with this digital quiz for teachers! Step into the shoes of a student during this interactive digital quiz on English Culture & Language. Win an "I love teaching" t-shirt and free access to digital learning platform Learnbeat for a year.
19 How linguistically diverse are ELT textbooks?
Mili Gabrovsek Sanders (Hogeschool van Amsterdam)
When introducing learners to linguistic and cultural diversity of English, many teachers use textbooks. Aiming to examine the extent to which selected textbooks address English as global and/or multilingual, this workshop features the analysis of textbook excerpts and hands-on tips for designing teaching materials that reflect present-day use(r)s of English.
20 Uitdagende inhouden in de nieuwe examenprogramma’s
Janneke Geursen (Leiden University), Annelies de Mol (Agora Leiden) & Laura Wagemakers (CSG Ulbe van Houten)
De vakvernieuwingscommissie MVT stelt, naast taalvaardigheid, twee nieuwe domeinen voor: taal- en cultuurbewustzijn. Deze domeinen bieden aanknopingspunten om het talenonderwijs uitdagender te maken en recht te doen aan de (meer-)talige en culturele achtergronden van leerlingen. We bespreken mogelijkheden om alles in samenhang te onderwijzen.
21 Walking in another’s shoes: empathy & inclusion through drama
Kristina Goodnight & Rudo Kupeta (Hogeschool Utrecht)
Participants will learn how to integrate improvisational drama techniques with a focus on inclusivity. We will show how to create safety through warm-ups and building up to role-plays. Experience has shown us that even teachers who might be intimidated by drama can easily rise to the challenge.
22 From the real world to fiction and back
Vincent Hernot (Hogeschool van Amsterdam)
Using literature in class can quickly turn the reading of a text into a straight-jacketed treasure hunt. We want to use fiction to foster and develop citizenship skills (e.g. empathy, curiosity) as well as critical thinking skills (e.g. observing, noticing, questioning, connecting). Fiction as an instrument, not as an end in itself.
23 Queer inclusion without exclusion in the English language classroom – This workshop has been cancelled!
Dennis Hoevels van Roekel (Sintermeertencollege Heerlen / Fontys Lerarenopleiding Sittard)
How to incorporate queer topics in such a natural and nuanced way, that they do not alienate pupils who might find the topic controversial for whatever reason. I will share research and focus on my own strategies in an interactive way.
24 Learning by doing versus learning by watching
Peter Massey (The Phileas Fogg Theatre Company) - commercial
For over 20 years we have been using simple, fun, and totally interactive techniques to help pupils and teachers become more confident in speaking English! We help with teambuilding, communication, trust, and provide a feeling of group and individual achievement. So, come along! Our techniques are wonderful to have in your educational toolbox, plus you will enjoy the workshop. It´s fun!
25 Minority Englishes in the English classroom
Heddwen Newton (English in Progress)
Minority Englishes such as African American English, Multicultural London English, Australian Aboriginal English and Ballroom Speak are grammatical and legitimate. By speaking about these English varieties, English teachers can encourage and support their minority students. The workshop will consist of a presentation and a group discussion.
26 Creative writing as a showcase for diversity
Liz Thijssen & Tomas Pollard (Hogeschool Utrecht)
Creative writing can be a vehicle to celebrate and highlight diversity among students. We will discuss how to create a safe environment in smaller workshop groups and share two assignments. Done right, students experience trust, revelation, and catharsis.
27 Stuck in the middle with you: Incorporating mediation in ELT
Alex Warren (National Geographic Learning) - commercial
Linguistic mediation is not new, it's always been part of the communicative classroom, we just didn’t recognise it as such. This workshop will explore how we can start recognizing tasks that incorporate mediation and how we can create mediation tasks using existing content in our coursebooks.
28 Promoting human rights, gender equality and cultural diversity – This workshop has been cancelled!!
Cornée van der Wind-Ferreira (Driestar Hogeschool)
Results of a recent Dutch study indicate that though English teachers strive to work towards sustainable development goals (incl. appreciation of diversity) in their lessons, they often experience difficulties in reaching these aims. This workshop will include practical ideas to overcome such difficulties by using stories and creative writing.